
Terms of Use
Privacy Policy & Security
Email Disclaimer
Consumer Protection
System Requirements

The colleagues of Fieldpoint Private work hard to see to it that our website and services are accessible to all who wish to come here, including those who use assistive technology. We follow the requirements of Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 42 U.S.C. 12181-12189, and the regulation implementing title III, 28 C.F.R. pt. 36. We do so by policy, but also by philosophy — we wish for no barrier to stand between our facilities, our technology, and those who wish to entrust us with their financial needs.

Our website is designed in accordance with ADA standards, and we have asked accessibility experts to challenge us toward making our sites and services reflect best practices for those with disabilities. For people who are blind or have low vision, Fieldpoint Private will, upon request and without charge, provide the following auxiliary aids and services:
• Qualified readers
• Printed information in large print
• Oral descriptions of action and visual information to ensure the accessibility or proceedings and presentations
• Notetakers
• Assistance in filling out forms
• An assistant to guide the person to find his/her way to an unfamiliar location or along an unfamiliar route within any of the Banks’ locations

For people who are deaf, or hard of hearing, or have speech impairments, Fieldpoint Private will, upon request and without charge, provide the following auxiliary aids and services:
• Qualified oral/sign language interpreters
• Written notes
• Notetakers
• Amplified and hearing aid compatible telephones

If you encounter any type of challenge or barrier to using our site or services, please let us know:

Americans with Disabilities Act Policy


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