Wealth Bomb
The dynasty trust is the mother of all planning techniques. Its benefits and potential harm require serious thought and likely some soul searching.
Fieldpoint insights give our clients a periodic, in-depth view on issues affecting wealth, business and life.
The dynasty trust is the mother of all planning techniques. Its benefits and potential harm require serious thought and likely some soul searching.
As appeared in “Tax Notes Today Federal,” April 16, 2023, by Erin McManus. The estate of a widow of a regional bank founder is challenging a $5.47 million estate tax deficiency arising from alleged additional unreported lifetime gifts and understated valuations, and from disallowed interest on loans to pay expenses. Carolyn…
Life insurance premium financing is not for everyone… but it may be for you Simply put, life insurance premium financing is a strategy where instead of using their own capital to pay the premiums, policyholders borrow the cost of the initial life insurance premiums from a lender. With sufficient collateral…
Those who have earned wealth through real estate will tell you it comes hard fought and is won deal by deal, zoning board by zoning board, tenant by tenant. Ultimately, as the net worth accumulates, it is likely to be highly concentrated in this single asset class – and you…
The closer you get to the goal, the more concentrated the risk. Consider these concrete financial strategies to pave a path to the end zone.
Ways & Means weighs in on Biden Tax Proposals, with significant changes.
For cross-border families, the U.S. is actually one of the world’s great tax-havens.
The charitable remainder unitrust lets you defer capital gains tax on highly appreciated assets, make a meaningful gift to charity, and realize a tax-favored stream of income.
Learn about taxation under Biden’s “American Families Plan.”
Derek, Madonna and Martha are just three high-profile cases that represent the lengths the state of New York will go to in order to retain the tax revenue of people who try to leave.
Recently, we reviewed the estate plan of a Massachusetts client with a $50 million-plus estate. The estate plan was relatively simple and we had a lot of ideas to take it to the next level. But first things first.
Foundations are legal entities, requiring governance including a board of directors or trustees. At least 5% of the foundation’s assets must be distributed each year.